Extended Education

Educational Background - Professional Experience - Certifications

Massage and Bodywork practitioner and instructor since 1968, currently practices Esalen Massage, teaches 500 Hr., 250 Hr.,100 Hr. Esalen Massage Certification Programs and introductory, intermediate and advanced Esalen Massage workshops and designs curriculum for Somatic Touch and Movement workshops at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, Ca. I have a private practice offering therapeutic and compassionate massage, somatic coaching sessions, and hospice support. Physically active and enjoy hiking, sailing, kayaking, dance. Massage is my favorite form of meditation.
CMTC #33582

1968 San Francisco State University
BA Social Science minor degrees - Psychology and Economics
Monterey Peninsula College (1973-1974) Anatomy, Physiology, Physics, Chemistry
University of Oregon - Structural Kinesiology (1998) Rita Marquez Home Study Course


CMTC California Massage Therapy Council (Certificate #33582)
ABMP Association for Bodywork and Massage Professionals
BMCA Body-Mind Centering Association
EMBA Esalen Massage and Bodywork Association
ISMETA International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association


Esalen Massage - Molly Day Shackman (1968)
Twin Lakes College - Massage Practitioner (1982) 120 Hrs
Esalen Massage Practitioner (1983) 500 Hrs
The School For Body-Mind Centering (2001)
Certified Practitioner 1000 Hrs The School For Body-Mind Centering
Certified Yoga Teacher 500 Hrs
Embodied Developmental Movement and Yoga Instructor
Embodied Anatomy and Yoga Instructor


Tai Chi Chuan - Patrick Watson, Judith Weaver, Al Huang
Aikido/Martial Arts - Robert Nadeau, Monterey Aikido
Movement Continuum - Emily Conrad, Susan Harper, Gael Rosewood
Vipassana Meditation Retreats - Jack Kornfeld, James Baraz, Gil Fronsdale
ZAZEN - Tassajara Zen Center, Reb Anderson
Body Mind Centering - Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen
Contact Improvisation


Sensory Education and Breathwork - Magda Proskauer, Ilse Mittendorf, Charlotte Selver
Cranial Sacral Osteopathy - Stan Johnson, Jim Asher, Hugh Milne, John Upledger Institute
Deep Tissue - Al Drucker, Ed Maupin, Beverly Silverman, Dub Leigh, Gael Rosewood, Noel Delavette, Til Luchau, Tom Myers
Aquatic Bodywork, Water Dancing and Watsu - Harold Dull, Elaine Marie
Zero Balancing - Fritz Smith Coaches Training Institute (CTI)
Monterey Hospice Training - Community Hospital of Monterey Peninsula


Gestalt Synergy - Iliana Rubenfeld
Gestalt Practicums and Leaders’ Group - Dick Price, Chris Price, Joan Fiore, Janet Zuckerman
Gestalt Dream Work - Fritz Perls, Joan Fiore
Transpersonal Psychology - Stan Grof, Christina Grof, Angeles Arienes, Ralph Metzler
Member Esalen Advisors Group - Counseling and coaching students


Pacific Valley School - 1st and 2nd Grades (1968-1969)
Calif. Teaching Credential Esalen Massage Practitioner and Instructor (1968-Present)
Esalen at Aspen, Colorado summer programs (1969-1974)
Twin Lakes Massage Certification Programs, Santa Cruz, Ca, Instructor (1982-1985)
Monterey Institute of Touch, Monterey Ca. Instructor (1984-1986)
Founding Member of The Esalen Institute Massage School (1983)
Esalen Institute Work-Study Programs Instructor
Founded and Managed Massage Staff at Ventana Inn and Spa (1984-2000)
Teaches International Training Groups, and Certification Programs: (1979-present)
Argentina, Brazil. Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Denmark, Japan, Indonesia, Taiwan